Dallas Peace March

by Richard E. Coffman

Arlington/Dallas/Fort Worth, Tx.
(817) 923-9414
E-mail: babybear@richardcoffman.com
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 Event Photography
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Speaking out to express
the need to put aside all prejudices
and the need to seek love and understanding for all!

Pillow Fights Only!
This young man has the right idea! The only kind of fighting we need in this world today is kids at play. Anyone up for pillow fights? It could solve the world’s stress issue.
Father and Son in agreement!
Even father and son agree war is not the answer.
Peace is for Everyone!
 We all live on the same planet. What we do to it affects us all! So please use your influence to save the world we live in. Speak out for what is right!
Will you work for peace?
The real question is will Bush work for PEACE?
What will tomorrow bring?
You can see it in her eyes she wants to know what will be left for her. Can you see what hate is doing to this world! Hate and prejudice is what going to bring an end to this so-called world! Stand together for a better life for all that will follow us!
Expression throught ART!
The Arts for PEACE!
Express yourself through Art or whatever medium you use to speak for worldwide peace! 
Pray for the youth of today!
Pray that these young boys hearts stay pure. That some day men and women like them will be our leaders.

Inner beauty is the best! Always be true to one self!

Baby-Bear Photography

Photography & Studio

Give the gift of Art photography!

All major credit cards accepted!

Art Gallery
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Event Photography
Publicity Shoots
All photographs on this site are the exclusive property of Richard E. Coffman and are protected under United States and international copyright laws. The photographs may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, stored, or manipulated without the written permission of Richard E. Coffman.